Trowutta in Tasmania
The home of my sister in law.
Trowutta is a small village located in the northern part of Tasmania 30 km away from Smithton with a population of only 92 citizen, included my sister in low.
The farmhouse in the middle of the photo behind the herd of their cows.
The idyll is deceptive because a helicopter often sprays pesticides over the fields and you can only stay behind closed doors for several days.
Herbert Rulf 19/05/2021 23:38
Das sieht so idyllisch und friedlich aus, so richtiges Landleben wie man es sich vorstellt.Die Geschichte mit dem Helikopter und den Pestiziden ist ja fies. Das trifft ja dann auch die Kühe. Wer ist denn dafür verantwortlich ?
LG, Herbert
Ralf Melchert 19/05/2021 15:35