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Two Limes Worth of Wisdom

Two Limes Worth of Wisdom

2 940 15

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Two Limes Worth of Wisdom

In Puerto Viejo de Limon, a small town in Costa Rica, An old man sat with two lemons. Hos father passed in 1940, soon it was up to him to find away. In time there was nothing. "You can live here he said , but it's hard without work and place. The tourist come but they don't speak to us. To them this place is paradise. Maybe that's because they can leave, build retreats and leave. Can you help me, I need to eat".

I guess if you stay in paradise you become lost and forget yourself for ever. It's not strange but he misses his parents.

Commentaire 15


Dossier Costa Rica
Vu de 2 940


Objectif OLYMPUS M.12-50mm F3.5-6.3
Ouverture 5.6
Temps de pose 1/125
Focale 15.0 mm
ISO 800