Vanishing color
This is it - the end of warm autumn days for this year (at least in the mountains) - on friday snow is forecasted...
Vanishing color
This is it - the end of warm autumn days for this year (at least in the mountains) - on friday snow is forecasted...
Hans Georg Gemünden 02/01/2012 8:17
A wonderful picture!Snežana 01/12/2011 21:52
Fajn izkoriscena kontra svetloba, ki pricara nezno, toplo mehkobo glavnega motiva, hkrati dovolj osvetljeno/vidno kontrastno golo in hladno ozadje... Za moj okus odlicno ujeto vzdusje ugasanja dneva z igro svetlobe in senc.. Kljub globinski ostrini predstava vecplastnosti s pomocjo ozarjenega greben, ki valovi (skoraj po celi diagonali) skozi fotko... Cudovito! LPSBernhard Kuhlmann 18/10/2011 13:25
Eine wunderschöne Szene !Gruß bernd
formic 05/10/2011 22:56
WunderbarMirco P.. 05/10/2011 21:54
in einem herrlichen Licht,wunderbare Aufnahme,
LG aus Bochum
Mirco P..