"walkin' on the moon" ist dahinter
Lac de la Lauch
Zorki 4K, Jupiter-12
Agfa APX 100, Caffenol-C-L semistand, 60 min, 24° C
"walkin' on the moon" ist dahinter
Lac de la Lauch
Zorki 4K, Jupiter-12
Agfa APX 100, Caffenol-C-L semistand, 60 min, 24° C
Monsieur M 18/12/2022 14:31
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wjZrswriz0&list=PL3PhWT10BW3Urh8ZXXpuU9h526ChwgWKy&index=10And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon
LG Norbert
LichtSchattenSucher 17/12/2022 18:00
Erstklassige Schwarzweissimpression!Gruss