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Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

When Fear Takes Over

She knows why she is there. She collapse behind the meaning of the weight placed upon her. In a few sessions she must undo all her cultural learning of purpose, for a more modern promiscuous relationship for the single purpose to pleasing her husband's imagination of a highly rated "X" sex in the city as he envisions western life between the sexes. There isn't much to work with except all the failed tries of her husband that hardened her into an immovable personality that until now successfully resisted his advances. Now she must find away to become what she never was and please her husband or in time be declared unfit and be committed and eventually sold joining the ranks of other misfortune'd women to perform in another establishment maybe in Turkey, or South East Asia after becoming a disgrace to her mother and father who will not take her back. A woman without a home becomes a target living in the streets.

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