Zwillinge (Iris japonica)
Schwertlilie am See in "Thames Town" einem im englischem Stiel nachebauten Städtchen bei Shanghai / China.
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Iris japonica (also known as 'fringed iris', 'shaga' or 'butterfly flower'), despite its name, is a native of China and Japan. It is a species in the genus Iris, it is also in the subgenus of Limniris and in the Lophiris section. It is a rhizomatous perennial plant, with pale blue, lavender or white flowers with an orange or yellow crest. It is cultivated as an ornamental plant in temperate regions.
Jani 12/08/2015 19:56
Kleine Bestimmungshilfe :LG Johann
troedeljahn 02/04/2015 19:49
Das sind ja bezaubernde Blüten. Klasse von dir fotografiert.Viele Grüße