
Free Account, bayonne

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Commentaire 1

  • GDauphin 26/03/2008 16:09

    first i wasnt saying that your picture is bad or something like that, as you said its always better to get some constructive feedback rather than the classical "you're picture is great" blabla...

    anyway to come back to your picture, i think you're shooting with a kodak compact, so I cant really be of any help as i dont know this camera :D

    however i would try to check the white balance options that you can use...
    you can maybe try to play with your iso settings too...

    for the sharpness it depends if you can select the shutter speed or not, if you can, in the future select a higher speed in order to "fix the motion faster.
    if you can't use something to hold your camera, a tripod or even use a tree or a wall to hold the cam.

    hope this help you

    have a good day

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