Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
I love you. (don't know who you are, but I love you anyway)
(I was "Wilody" before, you can see my old photos on that profile. I changed because I don't have the same email anymore, so I couldn't find my password...)
(I was "Wilody" before, you can see my old photos on that profile. I changed because I don't have the same email anymore, so I couldn't find my password...)
Sa-ra 16/01/2011 20:09
Thanks! :)Christy-Ann 02/01/2011 11:30
Bienvenue sur le fc. Je te souhaite beaucoup de bonnes suggestions, de nouvelles idées et avoir du plaisir entre nous amis de photo.Salutacions, Christy-Ann
Petrosilius Krallemann 01/01/2011 16:50
Na, dann mal herzlich willkommen hier und viel Spaß! Über den nachstehenden Link hast Du Zugang zu ALLEN meiner Fotoshier in der fc.
Liebe Grüße vom Krallemann