Bayasgalan Sambuu

Free Account, Ulaanbaatar

A propos de moi

Beginner in photography

Commentaire 3

  • FrancesPhoto 31/07/2005 12:56

    sain baina uu!
    Welcome here. I visited Mongolia this year in June for 3 Weeks, it was a great time and I really enjoyed it. looking forward to see more from you.
    nice greetings form Fr@nzi
  • Elaine Liebenbaum 28/07/2005 6:28

    warm welcome from so far away :-)
    looking forward to seeing photos from mongolia -
  • Armin Kr. 25/07/2005 13:02

    sain baina uu Bayasgalan !
    Welcome in fotocommunity and best greeetings to Ulaanbaatar and your country Mongolia. Your first pictures are very good and interesting ! I hope to see more in the future! I was in 2002 in Mongolia and traveled around there. It was very exciting to learn about your culture and your country....

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