Chris Nielsen

Free Account, Aalborg SV

A propos de moi

Started out with a Kodak Instamatic, then a Ricoh KR10, added 135mm tele, winder, teleconverter, Braun 320 flash. The Ricoh broke and I left photography alone for several years - 20 I think, then I bought a Pentax MZ-5, a 80-320mm telezoom, a Manfrotto tripod, new Pentax AF500FTZ flash. But all this equipment didn't get me going to develop the creativity in photography.

And then came the Pentax *istD. What a nice little thing. All my previous aquired lenses could be used. And I kept adding small and big things to my collection. Latest the Pentax A*85 1:1.4 and F300 1:4.5 and others.

I'll try to get going with unusual pictures, like odd or spectacular things. I've made photographs of clementines attacked heavily by mould, a stump of a tree in water, northern lights and other things.

My next project is to make photographs of a black person, covered in a green tarpaulin and put into nice bondage with orange nylon rope. This is not "comme il faut" in the bondage world, but I think it would look nice.
So if you're black and into bondage, please give me a call.


Commentaire 1

  • Dirk Hofmann 12/02/2005 1:53

    hi chris!

    welcome to good to see you found us. here you will find hobby photographers from all over the world and after seeing your first photos i'm sure that you'll have a bunch of fans and buddys soon ... ;-)

    take care
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