Czintos Ödön

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Commentaire 4

  • Czintos Ödön 05/05/2005 21:11

    Many thanks Kerstin :)
    Regards Edmund
  • Kerstin Langenberger 05/05/2005 11:56

    Welcome to fotocommunity!
    The pictures you showed so far are great; it's obvious that you are not a newcomer! I'm looking forward to see more of your stunning photographs, and hopefully you keep on this great job!
    Best wishes - Kerstin
  • Czintos Ödön 01/05/2005 19:18

    Many thanks for informations,
  • Dirk Hofmann 01/05/2005 18:38

    Hi Czintos!

    Welcome to! This community is a place to show, discuss and learn about photography and you will meet people from all over the world which share your hobby. The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences. So don’t be shy and ask every photographer if you have any questions.
    Of course you can ask me too if there are any problems.

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