Gyula Cséfalvay

Free Account, Eger

A propos de moi

I'm an architect. I live in Eger, one of the most beautiful baroque town in Hungary, which is centre of archbishopric and the town of grape and wine also.

Nikon D2X with AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm and AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 55-200 mm, and 80-200/2,8 AF Nikkor lenses.
Fujifilm Finepix s602z also.

Commentaire 7

  • sarkozi vince 01/05/2009 22:09

    Hello Gyula!

    Szóval Kerecsed felé a repce között! Szép fotó!

    Üdv.. Vince
  • Janusz Wa 28/04/2009 16:09

    very nice photos !!!!!
  • Patrick B. Parenteau 30/03/2006 1:11

    Hi Gyula,
    I'm sorry to hear that your little town is "broke". Should I send money. (ha ha) All the best from Canada. Patrick.
  • Kenny Jazz 30/01/2006 22:15

    I was very surprized to meet a colleque-architect here on this site with a very specific work (steps and shadows). I`m also architect, but unfortunately not working in this brange. Photography its a last bridge connecting me with an art. And thanks this i still believe in something beatiful. Especially when i see how some body like you create so nice and simple pictures. Good luck !
  • Canonier 24/01/2006 12:09

    Danke für Deine Anmerkung,
    übrigens bin ich auf einer Rundreise mit dem Wohnmobil durch Ungarn auch in Eger gewesen.
    Gruß Jörg
  • Danny W. Wilson 08/10/2005 23:53

    Welcome to FC!
    Crystal 5
    Crystal 5
    Danny W. Wilson

  • Günter Weigl 08/10/2005 22:11

    hallo willkommen in der fc
    zeig dich mal
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