Kristina Zaraina Vorugeva

Free Account, California

A propos de moi

My Camera(s):
Sony Digital DSC-S40 & Minolta Maxxum 7000 occaionally w/ 1800 AF

Prefered Themes: Landscapes (Mountains, Lakes, Pines, Oceans, Rivers), Skyscapes (Clouds, Sun, Moon, Stars), and People Portraits that exuberate timeless emotions.

I'm just another simple yet complicated Russian who has always been intrested in the art of photography. To me, instead of the mere visual effect it produces, but rather what that shot captivates within that moment is what truly means to me.

I decided to post several of my photographs from a vast collection, though very ameture and flawed, to see the affect and would gladly embrace any criticism that could help me develope my passion even more. Through this site I have now the chance to truly see what the competition is if I truly want to choose photography as my career.

Any feedback will truly be embraced. Appréciez!

Commentaire 11

  • Kinga Duchnowska 17/05/2006 11:59

    thank you for your kind comment :)
    Kinga Duchnowska

    best regards!
  • When 10/03/2006 23:02

    A warm FC welcome to you all the way from Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. Hope you enjoy this wonderful virtual community.
  • Emil Maga 23/01/2006 10:05

    poste u`r photo on profile :)
  • Emil Maga 23/01/2006 8:07

    10x for all your comments on my pics..i`m waiting for you to poste more on FC ... to poste more when y`re trail member make a photohome folder .
    see u
  • Hanane Oumina 19/01/2006 10:12

    Yes Kristina,

    I thank you for your comment.
    It is axactly what I was when I have been in the beach that day. No feeling, empty, I just want to stare on something that could not tease my senses, flat with no relieves. It is not a feeling of sadness, it is a feeling to be in peace with myself and my environement, nothing create any charp feeling!
  • Mircea Tiron-Tudor 19/01/2006 6:55

    Thank you for your comment.
    Welcome to Fotocommunity.
    Greetings, Mircea
  • M. |{ 18/01/2006 23:17

    privetik :-)
    spasibo za milyj kommentarij
    I'm looking forward to see your fotos too
    have a nice time here

  • Yasser Metwally 18/01/2006 22:00

    hi there,, thanks for your comment my pictuer pinky waves,, but i would still like to know , wut u exactly wanted me to do with the pic ? thanks for your time
  • Wiktor Podsada 18/01/2006 21:58

    thank you for your nice comment. It struk me as well that the tree was so tortured by nature,
  • Abdul Khaliq 18/01/2006 21:54

    Hi Zaraina, First let me welcome you to FC. Wonderful place to make friends of thoughts.
    Second, Many thanks for your kind comment on my picture
  • Dirk Hofmann 18/01/2006 20:16

    Hi Zaraina!

    Welcome to! This community is a place to show, discuss and learn about photography and you will meet people from all over the world which share your hobby. The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences. So don't be shy and ask every photographer or a member of the administration [fc-info:The team] if you have any questions.

    Another way to gather some information would be our online-help where you can learn about the different features of fotocommunity.
    To get there click here:

    Of course I'd be glad to answer your questions too!

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