Marcial Franze

Free Account, Freiburg

A propos de moi

I just want to state, that none of my uploaded photos will undergo any digital enhancement. I have to refurbish a lot of pictures all the time. I don't want to advertise anything with this gallery, it is just for pleasure. And my pleasure is longer lasting, when I have to do painstaking darkroom work and spend some time on taking the right slides that have their expressiveness without PS extravaganza... If however I upload 2D-Graphic (but only then), it might incorporate digital processing of some kind, with either analog drawings, pictures or calligraphy...

All the time people have been telling me, that I would get faster results with a diggi-cam, whatever... these days, everything has to be faster. I'd like to be patient for that matter!

Last but not least. I always appreciate sophisticated comments, regardless if praise or criticism. The abundant and arbitrary nonsense some people tend to leave throughout fc, does not contribute to any evolution of our skills, in my opinion. At times I feel like leaving this place because of all the shallownes that does exist around here. But then I explore someones profile and am a happy person because of all the beauty that I find.

Meanwhile I'm studying visual-communication/graphic design... now here, soon in Zurich, CH

All analog, specs are meaningless. the pictures speak. period.

||| Due to obligations in real life I will put this on a halt. feel free to write any thougths, but I will likely not write back too soon...thanks |||

Commentaire 15

  • Liz M 14/04/2005 8:22

    Hi Marcial
    Thanks for that nice comment on my picture; chuck
    but i actual really love my chuck taylors and also love wearing them. I really liked reading your profile its nice to discover people who still use the traditional methods. I also concur with your opinion on leaving good, opinionated and helpful comments or the lack thereof and i also know how it feels to log in and find you've had hundreds of clicks and zero comments, i find it annoying..(maybe i'll comment on my thats rather sad). Any way i also liked your photos they are really interesting and i liked them alot and would enjoy seeing more.
    Take care, Liz
  • Stefan Hessenbruch 11/04/2005 21:32

    Herzlichen Dank für Deinen Kommentar zu "Silberstreif am Horizont". Es ist bei Dir genau so angekommen wie ich es gewollt habe! Freut mich sehr. Und ja, ich habe die Tonwertkurve verdreht um den farbigen Kontrast so herzustellen.
    Bei Dir finde ich toll, das Du nichts bearbeitest. Viele Aufnahmen von Dir bekommen so den Touch des Unbestechlichen. Mutig!

    bibi, Stefan
  • ST....ST 11/04/2005 7:57

    Hallo Marcial,
    besten Dank für Deine Anmerkung zu meinem Bild:
    so rot ............................................
    so rot ............................................

    Die Farben haben sich an diesem Abend genau so rot präsentiert.
    Schöne Bilder die Du in der FC präsentierst.
    Gruss Stefan
  • Matthias Moritz 08/04/2005 2:06

    When I am back in Germany, one big topic on my to-do-list is to reactivate my darkroom!
    I understand your intention, your imagination and I agree with you.
    You have an interesting portfolio in here, worthy to look at.

    Kind regards
  • Rohan Akunoori 29/03/2005 18:09

    Thank you so much for your encouraging comment. I like your work and hope to see more.
    God Bless the work of your hands.
  • George Cayce 29/03/2005 15:27

    HI!!! thanks for your comments:) Great pics indeed
    Unendlichkeit is very interesting
  • Abdul Khaliq 29/03/2005 7:50

    Hi Marcial,
    Thanks for your valuable critic on Executive Black. I appriciate your comment and your advice.
    I saw your gallery, your work speaks.
    Greeting - abdul
  • Kalliope Vers 28/03/2005 21:55

    ich danke dir. Schön so etwas zu hören : )
    Ich hätte gar nicht anders anfangen können und ich bin gespannt auf die Menschen hier und die Bilder...

  • Shakhina Svetlana 18/03/2005 11:51

    p/s Interesante Bilder machst Du!
    Besonders gut hat mir gefallen - "Unendlichkeit" - "deeply, fervently, strongly desire" würde ich dazu sagen:)
  • Shakhina Svetlana 18/03/2005 11:44

    Hallo Marcial,
    vielen Dank an deiner Anmerkung und Ideen. Mit der blonde Perücke habe ich
    auch einige Bilder, vieleicht hast Du Rect:)
    Schönen Grüss,

  • Sulu XX 17/03/2005 15:23

    Tja, ebenfalls aus der Hüfte geschossen und schon Jahre alt - als ich noch jung war - mit 14 aufgenommen, mit meiner ersten Kamera - über das Dach eines geparkten Wagens hinweg - das einzige Mal, dass ich groß war, davor und danach gelang es mir nie wieder. (c: - Und wer Schärfe sucht, soll zu Pfeffer greifen. (c:
    Danke für deine Anmerkung!

    P.S.: Zu findem im Vogelpark Schmiding - Nahe Wels in Oberösterreich
  • Jorge Gonzalez 17/03/2005 6:31

    Thanks for your're right....the white border is a little bright.
    ....I see that it happens to you too....hundreds of clicks on your pics and no comments...ah well
    Thanks again and great work
  • I Scarlatti 10/03/2005 12:44

    .... thank you for your comments .. the hypothesis you made is very close to the reality :-)

    have fun !

  • Marcial Franze 07/03/2005 0:36

    Thanks to both of you for welcoming me. Again thx for your comments. Some of my pictures have hundreds of clicks, but no comment at all... anyways
    good luck

  • Dirk Hofmann 04/03/2005 7:07

    Hi Marcial!

    Welcome to Good to see you found us. Here you’ll find hobby photographers, amateurs and professionals from all over the world and after seeing your first photos i'm sure that you'll have a bunch of fans and buddys soon ... ;-)

    Take care,
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