Nicole Fernandez

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Commentaire 2

  • anitalovelin 18/08/2009 17:14

    my name is Anita am searching for a man like you who understand the meaning of love as trust and faith in each other rather than the one who seems love as only a way of fun but a mattured man with a nice vission of what the world is taking about after reading your profile today i pick intrested in please repply to me within my email address ( that i will send you my picture. hope we can move from here. am waiting for your immediate response i love you with faith and trust.
  • Markus Walti 06/08/2009 7:21

    Hi Nicole,
    Welcome to the FC
    I wish you much fun and many nice contacts
    Greetings from Switzerland
    1.. 2..3... Ich komme !
    1.. 2..3... Ich komme !
    Markus Walti

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