Rick Spurway

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A propos de moi

I have spent my whole life taking documentary photos in many countries and cultures. I have lived in the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, and New Zealand, but nothing compares with Transylvania in Romania. For me, photography is all about catching the moment. In still or video photography, I am forever watching the dynamics of life coming together and separating again. These are always a subtle interaction of subject and light. Sometimes these dynamics create awesome combinations, and if the timing is right, the shutter will click. I do not even have to see the photo, because the moment is in my mind's eye forever. But photography is all about communication too. To share feelings with others and discover new ways of seeing the world around us. The landscape and light of Transylvania bring something special to the joy of photography. I have decided to make a home there.

Commentaire 2

  • Monika und Heinz Tiemann 17/02/2008 20:43

    Welcome to fc! Enjoy all the picture and I wish you lots nice shots and impressions with your camera.
    VG Heinz (from Germany)

  • felidae. 16/02/2008 17:05

    Welcome to the Fotocommunity.com.
    We`re glad that you`ve found this place to share your passion for photography.

    For further help you can have a look at the following links :

    For online help, just look here:

    If there is still anything else you want to know, don´t hesitate to write us.

    Enjoy the fotocommunity! :-) :-) :-)

    Grit Siwonia, Youth channel manager
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