Serdar Camlica

Free Account, Bodrum

A propos de moi

Psychedelic Fractal Animation Artist

Commentaire 16

  • David Arduini 18/05/2024 23:52

    Hi Serdar, thank you for appreciating my photos. You have really interesting photos done well. Regards David
  • LadyNoone 08/05/2024 19:46

    Thank you so much for visit and comment! Your art is impressive realy!
  • Al1a80 16/04/2024 7:37

    Merci pour ta flatteuse proposition. Comme je l'ai écrit dans mon profil:
     " J'aime les petits dialogues qui s'installent, mais je me méfie de l'habitude qui nous enferme entre 'amis'. Pas de rubrique ami public n°1, donc. Il y a tant de belles images à parcourir dans notre FC ".   Cordialement   Al1
  • Leonid Dombrovsky 15/04/2024 19:00

    Dear friends,
    I am happy to be one of you!
    Best wishes,
  • Schneider Hannelore 23/09/2022 19:14

    I also find your works wonderful, you feel lifted up into other worlds and spheres. That's why I like to follow you so as not to miss any of your works. Greetings Hannelore
  • Laura Destro 15/07/2007 21:54

    Oh yes, fantastic work and excellent composition ...
    Good day my friend :)

    I am enchanted from your site.
  • Sandra Sarti 15/07/2007 16:07

    Hello Serdar,

    Thanks very much, you're very gentle. I've visited your site - your images are fantastics.
    All the best. Sandra.

  • Jozef Elias Wolak 14/07/2007 18:02

    Very good work !!!
    Your music must be harmonious as well, I presume...
    Abstract affinity is a master peace. Congratulations.
    Jozef Emmanuel
  • Inez Correia Marques 08/08/2006 22:17

    Hello Serdar:
    Great visiting you!
  • Antje V. 21/01/2006 1:33

    Hi Serdar,
    I've just been visiting your outstanding homepage.....
    you have every right to call yourself an artist - fantastic pictures ! I took a deep breath out of the reality ! :-)
    All the best
  • Katharina Zima 22/06/2005 8:08

    super picture treatment radix complement of greetings

  • Dmitri Tioutin 09/02/2005 11:07

    Remarkable works. They very interesting and fantastic.!
  • Hudson Valley 24/11/2004 19:17


    Just dicovering your work. I love the Dali is dead.
  • Jozef Elias Wolak 30/10/2004 17:52

    Very interesting work !
  • Charito Gil 28/10/2004 21:07

    hallo !!
    deine "paar" bilder mag ich
    hoffe sehe mehr davon
    .. ch
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