Ted McGinley

Free Account, Lusby

A propos de moi

I started taking pictures because I liked to have a physical memory of what I saw. Now I make photos for the fun and challenge. I do freelance photojournalism, landscapes and portraits. The equiptment I use is both film and digital. I use a Nikon N-65 film camera, a Nikon D-70, and a Nikon D-100. I also utilize a portible studio set up for location shoots.

Commentaire 2

  • Bianka mit K 28/01/2006 19:33


    gibraltar is great, do you have some more pictures from there?

    lots of fun in the fc
  • Ute Keller 28/01/2006 12:40

    Hey Ted!
    I'm happy and proud to find you here...
    welcome to the fc
    welcome back to my life!
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