
Free Account, Gleisdorf

A propos de moi

In almost all occasions, I have a camera with me to capture everyday situations, landscapes, animals, plants and snapshots in pictures.

Currently I shoot with a Nikon D3100 and the Sony DSC-W230.

I like to try out new things and am looking for suggestions, tips, constructive criticism or praise to my pictures.

Currently I shoot mostly landscapes, but I would also like to try portraits, etc. (Let's see how long it takes until I'm ready;)). Maybe there are some volunteers who make themselves available to me? I have a lot of shooting ideas in mind.

I'm always looking for models to shot my (sometimes) crazy ideas. So if you are interessted, just contact me.

Commentaire 3

  • Josef Kiffmeyer 12/04/2011 13:12

    Danke für Deine nette Anmerkung.
    SG nach Österreich,
  • teddynash 09/04/2011 19:41

    Herzlich Willkommen in der FC !
    Wünsche Dir viel Spaß und viele Freunde hier.

  • Bodos Fotodesign 05/04/2011 15:58

    Herzlich Willkommen in der "FC"! Ich wünsche Dir hier viele "Freunde" und positive Anmerkungen.
    Viel Spaß hier unter den "Fotoverrückten"!
    Ich wünsche dir viele gute Anregungen, neue Ideen und viel Spaß im Kreise von uns Fotofreunden
    Immer das Licht dort wo du es Brauchst.

    lieben Gruß


    Welcome to the "FC"! I wish this many "friends"and positive comments.
    I wish you many good suggestions, new ideas and have fun in a group of us friends photo
    Always the light where you need it.

    kind regards
  • 0 11
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Nikon D3100
Sony Cybershot DSC-W230