Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
There Are No Limits For Your Imagination!
There Are No Rules For Your Feelings!
This Is Your Unlimited World!
There Are No Rules For Your Feelings!
This Is Your Unlimited World!
PDA Photography 31/05/2010 21:55
Hallo Bonic,thanks a lot for your friendly comment in our profile. We are very pleased to read, that your like our pictures.
We had taken a look aroud your portfolio, it is very diversified.
Sandra & Chris
Bonic 25/05/2010 20:51
10x to you, Florian! Your photos are shining and live!Florian Thalmeier 25/05/2010 14:29
Hi!Thanks for your comment! It always makes me happy if people like my photos. :)
William Williamson 16/03/2009 2:00
Hello Bonic;Thank you for the comment.
Regards William.
Bonic 07/12/2008 18:54
Happy Cristmas Greetings To All UsersFons van Swaal 07/12/2008 18:18
An Hristova 27/12/2007 12:01
Chestita Koleda! ;-)Vesela Maleeva 26/12/2007 23:39
Chestita Koleda i blagodenstvieprez Novata 2008 godina!!
Fons van Swaal 23/12/2007 21:11
Sarah D. Kiefer 11/05/2007 9:23
hey hey! just saw your 'act portrait' shot, great carrots you've grown there! : )) good to meet you! i like the quotation on your profile very much also...very true.cheers from Wisconsin, USA,
sarah k
Fons van Swaal 05/05/2007 13:49
Thank you very much for all the comments on to my images..
Much appreciated...!
Regards, ....Fons