Bustum Gelidus

Free Account, Tallinn

A propos de moi

Willkommen !!!
Mein Deutch ist leider nicht so gut; Entschuldigung dafür, so denke ich, daß es besser sein würde, wenn ich alles auf englisch schreibe.

My name is Roman. I'm from Tallinn. Tallinn is the capital city of Estland. I think it is a nice place to live, or at least to visit. This country has a lot of magical places, forests, islands, lakes, rivers & ...

Photography is one of my hobby's. I am not a professional photographer, but I'm doing what I like. If I see something extraordinary, why not share it with the others. I am mostly a poet (or something like that), anyway I don't take it to seriously. I know four languages (though it's not much) : English, Russian, Estonian and of cause German.

So, this is a small piece, that I wrote...

"There is pure beauty hidden in us all
At least that is what I've been told
There is a part, that makes us all unique
If there is one, then I must be incomplete

One day colors surely will fade away and pass us by
And shades of gray will gain eternity, twisted awry
They will become much clearer like the darkness nigh
Silence will follow shortly, so let's say our good-byes..."

Commentaire 3

  • Mina Winter 27/12/2006 11:34


    herzlich Willkommen hier.
    Und immer gute Bilder :o)

    Greetings to Tallinn
  • Frank Löhr 19/12/2006 11:37

    Hi Roman,

    in summer we stayed for one day in Tallinn. It is really a lovely city to visit with its town wall an all the towers. Also the market place with the coloured houses and the little streets in the old town are beautiful and good for some fotos.
    Welcome to the fc!
    Greetings fom Germany, Frank
  • Uwe Hahn 18/12/2006 0:21

    Halli hallo,

    von mir ein herzliches Willkommen in der FC!

    Wünsche Dir hier viel Spass und allzeit nette Kontakte!!!

    Liebe Grüsse aus dem Schwabenland,

    P.S. I hope you will understand my welcome in the FC!?!?
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