E look

Free Account, Kiskőrös

A propos de moi

I'm a Hungarian Photographer.

I started to take pictures as a kid and it was love at the first sight.
Since than it has gone a long time and lot of shootings. Now I take from portrait to nude art and I enjoy to take tham at any ways. It's always a pleasure to have sattisfied modells or procurers

Commentaire 5

  • Andreas Jackson 31/12/2014 17:12

    Um es mal in denglisch zu sagen.

    You understand your handwork :-)

    Tolle Arbeiten!

    Ciao, der Jackson
  • Hermann A. 07/04/2014 21:40

    Hello Andor,
    thank you very much for your friendly comments!
  • Andrew W-S 30/03/2014 22:41

    Hello E,

    Welcome - I hope you keep posting, because I like your work.

    Andrew W-S
  • Martin A. Fischer 29/03/2014 13:28

    Super Bilder hast Du hier.
    Gute Ideen.
  • Hermann A. 29/03/2014 11:19

    Hello! Welcome in the (sometimes a bit crazy) world of our fotocommunity!
    Your photos are very promising, I wait to see more of them.
    Wish you nice contacts to photgraphers as well as to models!
    Best regards, Hermann
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D 700
D 800

Sigma 10-20mm

Hensel studiotechnik