Frank Boots

Free Account, Voorst gem. Voorst

A propos de moi

About my photography :
The only subject I seriously photograph are people. For me the essence of photography is a meeting between people: when photo’s are taken it’s a meeting between the photographer and the model, when photo’s are being reviewed it’s a meeting between the reviewer and the image. All meetings are significant and each have their specific value and meaning. The photographic meetings have their own place within this and I couldn’t and wouldn’t want to miss out on this. I never take photographs unexpected. I search for people who like to pose. Together with the model I try to create certain images; enhance striking sides, bring out the hidden sides and maybe even to create new sides. I’m usually less successful photographing men, therefore I usually limit myself to photographing women.
I like and prefer the classic photographic techniques and it give me enough room and possibilities to practice my photography.
Currently, when photographing in the (living room-)studio, I mainly focus my attention to half totals and details (this of course besides paying attention to other important aspects). At this time an important angle of approach in portrait photography is the tension between “beautiful and real” and between “posed and natural”. I would like to pay more attention to specific compositions and backgrounds. I also would like to work on location more often. For example in an empty house or at the home (interior) of the person who poses.
Next to portrait photography I more frequently shift the accent to figure studies / nude - photography. I mainly focus on the lines, forms and structures of the human body. This possibly in combination or in contrast with other (natural) forms and structures. I would like to work much more intensively on this subject. The accent will probably shift from form and structure to the person self. Consequently the photo’s will most likely be a bit more direct, more confronting.

My photo’s were published in national and foreign photographic magazines and have been on display at many (inter)national expositions / salons.

• bondsmeesterklasse (bmk) = Masterclass;
• excellente - Fédération International de l’Art Photographique (E-FIAP);
• member of the “Fotogroep Zutphen”;
• member of the photographer’s collective “de IJsselgroep”,
• member of the national discussion group “Portret” and of the national group “Black & White”
• president of the Federation of Dutch Amateur Photographic Societies (B.N.A.F.V.).

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