Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
I am an amateur photographer living in Munich, Germany. Even though I got my first camera a long time ago as a child and have meanwhile taken many pictures in an intuitive way, I only started to learn photography systematically a few years ago.
My photographic focus has mainly been on travel photography so far as this genre brings my two major passions together. However, I enjoy experimenting with different subjects as well.
Since a perfect handling of light is key to making appealing pictures, I am constantly working on gaining a better understanding and improving my skills in this regard.
Photography as a hobby allows me to recover from my stressful job as a quality manager in the automotive industrie.
My favorite saying: "Photography is all about the Paralympic Games for painters."
So have fun with my work as a completely untalented painter ;-) !
Best regards,
My photographic focus has mainly been on travel photography so far as this genre brings my two major passions together. However, I enjoy experimenting with different subjects as well.
Since a perfect handling of light is key to making appealing pictures, I am constantly working on gaining a better understanding and improving my skills in this regard.
Photography as a hobby allows me to recover from my stressful job as a quality manager in the automotive industrie.
My favorite saying: "Photography is all about the Paralympic Games for painters."
So have fun with my work as a completely untalented painter ;-) !
Best regards,
RAJU04 09/12/2013 17:31
Hallo Holger,herzlichen Dank für Deine netten Anmerkungen zu meinen New York-Fotos. Mal sehen, was mir dann nächste Woche dort wieder so vor die Linse kommt. ;-)
Liebe Grüße - Ronald
Ninas' 22/09/2013 16:37
Hallo Holger,DANKESCHÖN für deine Anmerkung. Lg Nina
Stefanie Gründel 25/12/2010 19:18
hallo holger,lieben dank für deine anmerkung. habe mich sehr gefreut! ja ich wollte mal was anderes ausprobieren und im normalzustand fand ich das bild sehr langweilig. ;))
frohe weihnachten.
lg steffi
Petra I. Henning 28/08/2009 15:26
Hallo Holger,es hat mich sehr gefreut, Dich gestern beim fc-Stammtisch kennenzulernen. Nochmals herzlich willkommen in der fc, viel Spaß hier und viele nette Kontakte!
Deine Aufnahmen von San Francisco sind übrigens klasse!
LG Petra
Peter Bullinger 27/08/2009 23:52
Grüß dich,war schön dich am Stammtisch zu treffen.
Hoffentlich jetzt öfter.
Joachim Schneider 31/07/2009 7:42
Hallo Holger,Herzlich willkommen in der fc.
Gestern hast Du den ersten Stammtisch im Biergarten versäumt, mit ca. 40 Teilnehmern. Aber der Sommer ist ja noch lang.
Freue mich auf gute Gespräche.
Freude am Foto