Marius G. Mihalache ( michel2233 )

Free Account, Bucharest

A propos de moi

My name is Marius, but all everybody calls me michel. I live in Bucharest, Romania, and i was born in 1968.
I graduated a music college, but I work in an IT company. I have played piano and synthesizers with various bands in the last 20 years. I also play guitar.
I love to create different styles of music. My compositions range from classical, jazz, bossa, blues, world to rock styles.
Photography has always been one of my hobbies.......
Old style photography is an old occupation, but digital photography is an
o b s e S S i o n.

I cannot separate these two arts, music and photography...

I think... each s o n g I have, has an image inside,
and each i m a g e I have, has a song inside...

Finally... I let my music and pictures speak for me...

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