Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
My first camera was an old Laica, which I got as a gift when I was 9 or 10 years old. However since I upgraded from CANON EOS50 ED to the digital CANON EOS 10D , photography became much more fun, giving me the opportunity to express myself, to show things how do I see them. And of course I enjoyed the fact, I do not have to lead endless discussions with Mini Labs anymore about what was missing on the print although it was on the film. Recently I upgraded to CANON 5D with an interim period with CANON 20D.
My preferred themes are People, Landscape and Architecture as well as Action.
Photography as my main hobby gives me the privilege to see the World as it is, in all its colors, shapes and lights, to see people reflecting not only happiness, but also tough moments of their life while overcoming various challenges. Photography is a special miracle for me allowing me to preserve the beauty of a very short moment for ever and allowing me to keep returning to that moment again and again.
And digital technology and computers with PS changed the until then picturing of the reality into a real art. Real art of taking the original shot as the beginning for my own creation, for expressing myself how I see the World. It enables to emphesize the feeling, the scent, the sound of the moment, actually everything what caught my attention. And create perhaps a picture which is not a copy of the reality, however enables to create a picture with emotions to share.
My preferred themes are People, Landscape and Architecture as well as Action.
Photography as my main hobby gives me the privilege to see the World as it is, in all its colors, shapes and lights, to see people reflecting not only happiness, but also tough moments of their life while overcoming various challenges. Photography is a special miracle for me allowing me to preserve the beauty of a very short moment for ever and allowing me to keep returning to that moment again and again.
And digital technology and computers with PS changed the until then picturing of the reality into a real art. Real art of taking the original shot as the beginning for my own creation, for expressing myself how I see the World. It enables to emphesize the feeling, the scent, the sound of the moment, actually everything what caught my attention. And create perhaps a picture which is not a copy of the reality, however enables to create a picture with emotions to share.
Zhiwen Wang 23/02/2008 22:40
Hey Michael:Thank you very much for your comment!
I am really happy that you like it.
Katarina A 10/11/2007 7:23
Hello Michael,Thank you for the visit
Best wishes Katarina
MikeG. 15/01/2005 11:41
Vielen Dank für deine Pro- Stimme.Mfg,Mike
Alex Oberreiner 11/01/2005 22:53
prepare for landing into the galerie....
Hallo Michael, dank deinem Pro hat das ganze wie geschmiert funktioniert. Danke dafür!
CA RA 09/01/2005 22:18
Danke für Dein PRO für mein Fotodurch Deine Stimme habe ich mein erstes Sternchen erhalten.
Danke..... ;-)
Gruß C@rlo
Sigrun Fischer 08/01/2005 22:34
Hallo,vielen Dank für Dein PRO zu meinem Foto
Es ist mein erstes Sternchen und ich bin sehr glücklich darüber! :)
LG Sigi
Jacky Kobelt 12/12/2004 18:51
Hi Michael,with great pleasure I went through your excellent gallery. I must admit, you really have the privilege to see the world as it is in colours and lights - and even more important, you are talented to preserve the beauty of such moments for us again and again.
Thank you and congratulations.
Greetings from Switzerland
Rainer Switala 12/12/2004 17:44
Komme erst jetzt dazu mich für dein prozu bedanken
Habe mich sehr über das Sternchen gefreut
Gruß Rainer
Atem Pause 17/11/2004 21:06
Hab vielen Dank für Dein PRO - die Tropfen am Stiel haben es geschafft!!! :-)))Einen schönen Abend wünsche ich,
Karin Hartwig 13/11/2004 11:44
Sorry, Michael, that HARD LIFE IN HER EYES did not reach the stars :-) Maybe the next time...Regards, Karin
Brigitte G. 12/11/2004 14:45
Vielen lieben Dank Michael für dein Pro, es hat mir zu meinem ersten Sternchen verholfen und ich freue mich riesig darüber.Liebe Grüsse
Louisa Schlepper 12/11/2004 13:11
Ein liebes Dankeschön für dein Pro!!freu mich sehr! :-))
Garry 11/11/2004 21:30
Thanks for your pro!!!
Greets Garry
n o r B Ä R t 26/08/2004 22:53
Bin auf Dankes-Tour ! *grins*Merci !
Thanks !
Mille Grazie !
-° I °-
_ V _
LG Norbert
Reinhold Grabher 19/08/2004 23:26
Hallo MichaelSehr schade dass es die Harbour Bridge nicht in die Gallerie geschafft hat! Ist wirklich ein klasse Bild!
Gruss Reinhold