Patrick Taylor

Free Account, Las Vegas

A propos de moi

Patrick's goal as an artist is to express the evocative truth of what he sees through classical realism. He believes that nature is the master teacher, and that nature reveals to the impassioned observer/artist exactly how light, color, form and movement must be portrayed to most closely approximate true life and all its attendant and vivid emotions. In his portraiture, he paints character as well as visage; in his still life pieces, he evokes mood as much as he captures likeness. Patrick's art is probing and revealing. His goal is not to shock but to move; his art is not exploitative but compelling. His works are expressive yet disciplined, passionate yet delicate. Patrick states, "the main goal of an artist is to create the illusion of light and how it falls and travels across a form or object, giving the work a three dimensional feel, on a two dimensional surface. In a sense, sculpting...but with paint." Harmonious colors with correct light and intensity emanate from Patrick's work. He strives to bring the viewers into his pictures, to fill them with the desire to reach out and touch the canvas, to make them believe that in doing so; they would feel the downy softness of a cheek, the silkiness of a satin ballet slipper, or the warmth of sunlight as it floods an idyllic landscape. His work is not just to view, but to experience.

Patrick's art has become a driving force in his heart and soul. He says, "To create a picture that stirs one's spirit is my tribute to the Great Creator who has not only blessed me with the gift of art, but also with the greatest gift, the gift of life itself."

Patrick was not one who always wanted to be an artist all of his life. It wasn't until 1990 while serving in the Marine Reserves, training for the first Dessert Storm conflict, that he sustained a serious cervical spine injury which would forever change the course of his life. During this time, Patrick was also serving as a Police Officer in Las Vegas, Nevada. He had to undergo several spinal surgeries that left him laid up for several months at a time. Patrick's wife bought him a pad and pencil so he could draw for therapy. It was evident from the beginning that Patrick's abilities as an artist came out when his very first drawing of himself in uniform won awards at the JC State Fair. Patrick began his artistic exploration as a self-taught artist, embracing nature as his sole guide for a number of years. He then was privileged to have the opportunity to study under renowned artist, Barbara Sullivan, recognized in "Who's Who in American Women of Western Art" and who is an invited artist of the "C.M. Russel Auction of Original Western Art". Patrick also was the student and protégé of internationally known and exhibited fine artist, Cotti. Cotti's style of painting is in the tradition of The Old Masters (17th Century, Renaissance). Cotti was a close friend and personal artist of the famed expatriate chanteuse Josephine Baker, and he was commissioned by Orson Welles to complete a series of paintings in Paris and England.

Patrick's paintings have received top awards at the Nevada State Fair, including: Grand Champion, Judges Choice, and Best of Show. In recent years, his paintings have been juried into the Las Vegas Art Museum, and chosen for a 2-year show with the City of Las Vegas-Cultural Center. Patrick had his first One-Person Show in 2001, at the Art From the Heart Gallery where he exhibited 17 oil paintings: a series of nudes and scenes from classical ballet. Patrick was also a selected artist, whose works were on display at the Belagio and Treasure Island hotels, Cirque du Soleil, Green Rooms, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Patrick was honored when his painting of Princess Diana, 24 x 30, oil, gained the approval and recognition from Diana's family, The Spencer’s, at Althorp, Northhampton, UK. They State, "We continue to be deeply moved and touched by so many peoples' enduring affection for the Princess and by the many and different ways in which she is remembered all over the world. From the Spencer family, thank you for commemorating her in this way." David Fawkes, Spencer family Representative.

In 2005, Patrick was the lead artist on a mural, painted by three artist from the Las Vegas Metro Police, in conjunction with the Cities 100 year Centennial Celebration. For the last 6 years, Patrick has donated paintings to the Arizona, Hospice of the Valley Annual Art Auction. His paintings have been selected in the live auction. Recently, his painting of a Ballerina in Repose sold for $4600. All proceeds from the auction go to help the terminally ill. Patrick states, "Art has been given to me as a gift and the world of art has truly touched and has inspired my donation of works are my way of giving back, and hopefully, through my art, bring joy by touching the lives of others."

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