Commentaire 3

  • VVIA - Flämischer Verein für Industrielle Archäologie 15/01/2013 15:25

    Our member who is fluent in German is absent today. I hope you won't mind me answering you in English - although I understand and read German.
    There seems indeed to be a problem as the Georg Büchner is still protected as a historic monument. As far as we could find out the ship hasn't yet been removed from the 'Denkmallist' - and that could be one of the reasons why it hasn't been towed away yesterday or today. We follow the situation on a webcam which shows the ship:
    Since last week we have been trying to get an answer from the Denkmalamt (as well the one in Rostock as the one for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), but they don't answer - and when we phone we cannot get through to somebody who is able to explain the situation.
    Tomorrow there is a public discussion on the ship in the Flemish Parliament.
    Meanwhile there is here also a rumour going around that a Flemish company wants to buy the ship - but that they also don't get answers from Rostock.
  • VVIA - Flämischer Verein für Industrielle Archäologie 15/01/2013 15:25

    Our member who is fluent in German is absent today. I hope you won't mind me answering you in English - although I understand and read German.
    There seems indeed to be a problem as the Georg Büchner is still protected as a historic monument. As far as we could find out the ship hasn't yet been removed from the 'Denkmallist' - and that could be one of the reasons why it hasn't been towed away yesterday or today. We follow the situation on a webcam which shows the ship:
    Since last week we have been trying to get an answer from the Denkmalamt (as well the one in Rostock as the one for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), but they don't answer - and when we phone we cannot get through to somebody who is able to explain the situation.
    Tomorrow there is a public discussion on the ship in the Flemish Parliament.
    Meanwhile there is here also a rumour going around that a Flemish company wants to buy the ship - but that they also don't get answers from Rostock.
  • Roland Hartig 15/01/2013 13:08

    Hallo, vielen Dank für Ihre Anmerkung zu:
    Ahoi MS "Georg Büchner" alias "Charlesville"
    Ahoi MS "Georg Büchner" alias "Charlesville"
    Roland Hartig
    Tatsache ist, dass die Georg Büchner alias Charlesville (noch) auf der Denkmalliste der Hansestadt Rostock steht.

    Ergänzend habe ich auf der Seite "Das ist" folgendes gefunden:

    "Die denkmalrechtliche Genehmigung der Verschrottung steht noch aus", sagt Peter Writschan vom Denkmalpflegeamt. Es wäre schön gewesen, wenn das Schiff an seinen ersten Einsatzort, nach Antwerpen, hätte zurückgehen können. "Aber man muss das realistisch sehen: Die Kosten für die Erhaltung so eines Riesenschiffes sind immens. Schiffe sind ein Denkmal auf Zeit. Und es ist schön, dass der Trägerverein es zehn Jahre lang im Stadthafen halten konnte." Dem Antrag auf Verschrottung werde sicherlich stattgegeben.


    Meine Georg Büchner Fotoserie finden Sie hier:

    lg roland
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