Ada Candeias

Free Account, Lissabon

A propos de moi

Welcome to my Profil:

My favorite hobbies:
Art is one subject that interests me greatly and so everything with it related - I am interested in photography since my early years at college, where as an architecture student I had to undertake special tasks where photos were required and a must to express your projects or model plans and ideas...

My favorite quote:
..."Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution."...
> Ansel Adams <

My equipment:
Canon EOS 350D
Sigma AF 18-200/3,5-6,3

A reminder:
..."I would rather be attacked than unnoticed. For the worst thing you can do to an author is to be silent as to his works. An assault upon a town is a bad thing; but starving it is still worse."...
>Samuel Johnson<

Commentaire 3

  • Gerd Hannemann 04/02/2007 19:20

    Hi Ada,
    thanks for your comments for my foto Auf dem Sprung. You have nice fotos in your portfolio ! Many greetings to Lissabon - I like this beautiful city.
    Liebe Grüße

  • Janka R. 12/11/2006 21:04

    Hallo Ada, und darf ich vorstellen, das ist mein Kater Muri Lg Janka R
  • Dana Reichel 10/08/2006 23:16

    olá, welcome and hallöchen… :)

    it's a great pity because here on this nickpage isn´t a photo of you. but maybe soon... ;)
    i hope of more interesting pictures.
    have fun by „fotocom“.


    the little „sister“ ;)
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