Julia Linke

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Commentaire 3

  • Kay Wölfle 09/03/2006 22:22

    Hi Julia!
    Welcome to the fc! In case of any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me or my colleagues from the channel manager team :-)
    Greetings Kay

    Have fun!!!
  • Dani Studler 09/03/2006 16:24

    Willkommen in der FC! Ich wünsche dir hier viel Spass und immer gutes Licht für tolle Fotos!

    lg dani

  • Julia Linke 06/03/2006 10:45


    My pics will mostly be from traveling or from playing around with my graphics program.
    I have a totally normal digital camera. Nothing special and most likely I have to learn a lot about how to use it properly.
    Hopefully I will get myself a new camera which is much better than my current one soon.
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