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alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

14th century BC 2

Creta island
Fodele village
In Fodele village, birthplace of the Greek painter El Greco(Dominicos Theotocopoulos), there is a beautiful little Byzantine church built in 14th century with walls covered with frescoes by eminent painters, some of them in very good condition.
In the photo the frescoes on the side walls and the altar of an arch from the interior.

Commentaire 9

  • † cathy Blatt 07/10/2014 15:51

    this is absolutely fantastic so beautifully shown- what an enrichment, cathy
  • SINA 06/10/2014 6:45

    Wunderschön die zarten Farben der angedeuteten Fresken Wandmalereien
    das Licht Alexander
    BEST regard s Sina
  • Lawson McCulloch 01/10/2014 21:14

    Such beautiful frescoes must have been a real treat to see.
    best wishes,
  • Adele D. Oliver 01/10/2014 20:48

    thank you for showing these ancient frescos in colour ... wonderful still after all these years .... beautiful capture !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • s. sabine krause 01/10/2014 16:17

    no wonder el greco became a great artist. being born in fodele village, he must have grown up knowing and admiring the ancient frescoes and wall paintings displayed here… love how you used the light here to bring out the colors, details, relief-like textures and literally make them all shine again! the combination of blue, pink (bleached red, i assume) and warm orangy gold is beautiful!! my favorite detail: the stern faced curly haired moustachioed saint (?) in dark brown: the artist really succeeded in giving him a dark and very anachronistically byronic aura! ; )) greetings, sabine.
  • Harold Thompson 01/10/2014 9:01

    This work will live longer than some modern works
    Nicely captured light
    :-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 01/10/2014 8:31

    Beautifully exposed to show these superb frescos that have survived the ravages of time.

  • CRBJR 01/10/2014 1:09

    the reluctant collage. This photo is simple and
  • Alfredo Ruiz Baltanás 30/09/2014 23:41

    Muy hermosa fotografía con bellos colores y texturas .Un ambiente con luz de arte y de fe y con esa referencia a El Greco…un pintor tan querido en España que lo consideramos nuestro .
    Very beautiful picture with beautiful colors and textures .A light environment with art and faith and that reference to El Greco ... a beloved painter in Spain we consider ours.
    Alfredo RB

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Objectif Tamron AF 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF) (A061) or Tamron AF 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 XR LD Aspherical (IF) (185D)
Ouverture 3.5
Temps de pose 1/50
Focale 28.0 mm
ISO 1250

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