A fraction of Time photo et image | people, faces , street Images fotocommunity
A fraction of Time photo et image de Glenn Capers ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
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Uwe Kasten 02/06/2015 7:41
great moment! intense and warm - regards, uweCarlo.Pollaci 26/05/2015 21:46
Super portrait!Mauro Tomassetti 26/05/2015 18:31
Excellent portrait**!!archiek 24/05/2015 19:18
"Do I know you?" or "Who is this guy taking my photo?" Excellent photo in a good setting.Regards,
Berthold Klammer 24/05/2015 10:01
Moments of remembrance...fine capture!!!regards Berthold
Tania Skaradek 21/05/2015 20:59
Our Earth is very small... and we never know where the roads can cross:-)))Exsellent work!
Certeau Dominique 21/05/2015 6:30
Très beau portrait.Cordial.
JOKIST 20/05/2015 19:23
° ° ° T O P ° ° °LG Ingrid und Hans
Rolf Pessel 20/05/2015 15:55
this ist what happens to me once in a while too.But I never could take a pic like that.
LG Rolf
Cameraqueen 20/05/2015 15:21
That's what I can see from his face, the question "who are you"? Great shot. The typical Bretagne fisherman?Greetings,