A Golden Eagle......
....on tour with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to educate school and college students about raptors and why they are necessary in nature's ecosystem, and why them and their nests are protected by law........
thanks for the clicks and comments......
Peter van der Houwen 16/02/2015 19:31
Such a powerful bird, fantastic capture!BR Peter.
archiek 12/02/2015 4:30
Excellent view of this eagle. they need a little protection from the crazy people.Regards,
Inez Correia Marques 11/02/2015 18:05
amazing eagle . i do not know this species Denhis colors are so beautiful
Wolfgang Weninger 11/02/2015 14:52
a young bird, but his eyes are lightning very dangerous ... I like those birds very muchServus, Wolfgang
Lila 11/02/2015 11:12
der ist ja wunderschön !!!L.G. Lila
Mauro Tomassetti 11/02/2015 9:59
Wonderful golden eagle and excellent photo!Regards Mauro
Harold Thompson 11/02/2015 9:37
Beautiful bird and a good way to show the youngsters and tell them about conserving them got a watchful eye on something:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 11/02/2015 8:42
Magnificent birds that were perecuted almost to extinction at one time, but now they are a protected species and are making a comeback.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-28320168
Long may the continue to do so, they are magestic and beautiful and winderful to see... especially in the wild as they soar overhead intheir native mountain regions.
† Ushie Farkas 11/02/2015 6:41
He is fantastic done! The colours are WONDERFUL!Best wishes Ushie
Adele D. Oliver 11/02/2015 5:22
a majestic eagle - and I have never seen thisspecies ... beautiful patterns of colour in his
plumage - I can only imagine his wingspan ....
a great sharply detailed portrait - impressive !!!
a hug, Adele