a hint of Autumn photo et image | landscape, fields & meadows, nature Images fotocommunity
a hint of Autumn photo et image de Andy-Wood ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
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Anita J 23/12/2013 15:22
A wonderful atmosphere, the light and scene are great. Best wishes Anitastruz 14/10/2013 9:42
Idylle Pur. Gruß StruzHarold Thompson 08/10/2013 11:21
Just a hint of the autumn colours to come:-)) Harold
alexander stefanatos 08/10/2013 9:45
The soft light and the colours remind Constable, Andy.beautiful shot!
best wishes alex
Lawson McCulloch 07/10/2013 19:59
The light in this fine image is so very beautiful.best wishes,
Annie Beaumatin 07/10/2013 12:40
Se ressourcer avant l'hiver, à l'ombre des grands arbres…Annie
Hung Ho 07/10/2013 8:57
Great shot. Well done!Dagi.H. 07/10/2013 7:14
A mood like after a thunderstorm with wonderful light.VG Dagi