... a million miles away ....
Rory Gallagher, open and above board artist, my favourite guitarist.
... a million miles away ....
Rory Gallagher, open and above board artist, my favourite guitarist.
Dragomir Vukovic 14/11/2008 4:28
beautiful openDreamsharing 11/11/2008 6:25
Hm, hier sind mir Teile der Wolken zu ausgefressen... sicherlich Absicht, denke ich, aber ich mag das nicht so...nordseewelle 10/11/2008 17:22
Inez Correia Marques 10/11/2008 9:31
just like me.. very far from home, but i did not get the chance to take a photo like this my friend!!wonderful light reflections on the waterciao
Federico Cirillo 09/11/2008 17:17
Muy buena!++++++++
Heike T. 09/11/2008 12:48
Sehr minimalistisch, das bietet Raum für den imposanten Himmel.LG, Heike
Pozer Katalin 08/11/2008 15:30
Special atmosphere it has. Gallagher's playing is so excellent and expressive like your image. Great work.Hugs,
Gisela Gnath 08/11/2008 14:49
Unendliche Weite über die der Himmel seine Bilder zieht!!!lg Gisela
redfox-dream-art-photography 08/11/2008 2:01
Very good atmposphere!Well done!
bw, redfox