A Moment of Stardom
A participant labored over his costume until he got it to do what is was made to do. AT the moment his costume lights came on he was over joined and was living in his moment of stardom, his moment and purpose of being therefor all to see. "Taadah", he said to all standing about looking at him. AN expression meaning finally I have reached my apex.
Alberto Riotta 02/11/2014 10:50
molto bellaLadyNoone 01/11/2014 21:32
OH, to be a star! :))))JOKIST 01/11/2014 21:25
Eine herrliche Fotoarbeit !LG Ingrid und Hans
MissNeugier 01/11/2014 18:17
Ha ha sad the clown......la la la;-))
Ken Piros 01/11/2014 16:48
He has stars in his eyes !