a piece of history... my roots..
monument to Decebal, the leader of Dacia, roots of romanian people. Around his statue are the wolves with a snake body, the flag of the dacic warriors. When the wind blows into this flag on the battle field it produces a strange sound to impress the enemies... I bow to them...
Hans-Reiner Bohn 12/09/2008 10:46
good pic, good documentation!where is this?
Have a great weekend!
Roland A. 21/08/2008 7:41
Un aranjament foarte reusit.Salutari,
Peter Windhövel 19/05/2008 22:20
Thanks, very good info.Reg. Peter
Anca Silvia B. 18/05/2008 22:37
Excellent pic and good information,Dragos.Hugs,Anca