A Pine Siskin
The pine siskin (Spinus pinus) is a North American bird in the finch family. It is a migratory bird with an extremely sporadic winter range.....Generally an inhabitant of coniferous or mixed coniferous-deciduous forests, the Pine Siskin breeds as far north as central Alaska and northern Canada but also ranges south in suitable habitat to northern Baja California and through the Mexican highlands to Guatemala.
dear friends, I am super busy these days in the garden, sorry if my comments come late or not at all :-(((
Walter Hochsteiner 08/01/2024 19:15
Herrlich diese Farbenabstimmung,tolles Foto LG Walter
Wacker Steffi 02/07/2023 4:39
Wunderschöne Aufnahme..Christian Villain 10/06/2023 18:39
Il est magnifique cet oiseau dont le plumage jaune, gris est en harmonie avec le sol de pierre sur lequel il s'est posé .Compliments !!!!!!!!
Bon courage pour ton jardin, attention à la fatigue !!!!
Bernd Junge 08/06/2023 22:19
A cuty little bird with his interesting yellow feather markings. I have never seen such a bird, neither in wilderness nor in a zoo. A good capture oft this little guy.Warm regards Bernd
Helga Noll 08/06/2023 9:44
Auf dem Baumstamm wirkt er besonders "geschützt"sehr interessant und wundervoll abgelichtet.
Gruß Helga
pfallera 07/06/2023 21:02
a monument of a pine siskinemen49 07/06/2023 18:48
Zart und schön ist er... super in Szene gesetzt!Viele Grüße
Jürgen Mendel 07/06/2023 18:25
Wunderbares Vogelportrait mit schönem Schärfeverlauf.LG Jürgen
Peter Schillmeier 07/06/2023 16:26
Eine tolle AufnahmeLG Peter
corail 07/06/2023 11:11
So lovely......top photo ! amitiésJOKIST 06/06/2023 21:54
Ein großARTiges Foto!Kompliment
Ingrid und Hans
claudine capello 06/06/2023 21:35
splendide oiseau !!! bravo clTitus Photographie 06/06/2023 21:27
The little bird looks very proud and it can be - because it is really beautiful! And you have photographed it perfectly, so that pride and beauty are clear.Warm regards
anne-marie.guinet22 06/06/2023 21:26
Adorable petit oiseau, belle prise! Anne-MarieAxel Sand 06/06/2023 20:13
A nice capture of this beautyfull bird.Warm regards