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achluophobia VII

Achluophobia (Foto series)

It`s finally done: over the last months I created several photographs based on my very first pic with the lightbulb and the typography over a year ago, which actually was a project about the art of lettering. “Achluophobia” is the fear of the dark, I really liked the idea to imagine which kind of fear could be out there in the dark and therefore I tried to really simplify the images with just the great contrast between dark and little light.

I would really appreciate if you`d share this project with your friends!

Gordon Endt: all rights reserved

July 2014-October 2015(maybe even longer, who knows!)

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Dossier Achluophobia-Series
Vu de 17


Objectif ---
Ouverture 2
Temps de pose 1/8
Focale 7.1 mm
ISO 64