5 352 14

Matthias Moritz

Community Manager, Hambergen

| and then quietude |

The last visit to a National Park during our trip this year lead us to Zion N.P. It was hot,
but there was only a little time to hike a short trail due to an upcoming thunderstorm.
So, no pictures from glowing red rocks in the late afternoon sun, but dark and grey weather conditions.
However, as we left Zion N.P., by chance looking left to get a last glimpse of that beautiful mountain area, suddenly I saw that fraction of a rainbow. I hit the breaks, stopped and took a whole series of pictures. As the rainbow slowly dispersed, I noticed some more cars stopping by and a bunch of people taking pictures. But I was first :-))

Eine kleine Entschädigung für Gewitter im Bryce Canyon und dann auch noch im Zion N.P. Ich war der erste, der an der Straße anhielt, um diesen Moment zu fotografieren. Aber mir folgten dann kurze Zeit später noch einige mehr.. :-)
Das ganze Schauspiel dauerte nicht mehr als 5 Minuten.

Utah, August 2012, Canon 60D

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