April Rain
yesterday at the art gallery in downtown Vancouver ...
taken through the window of the car while driving by -
especially for Steve Ember
April Rain
yesterday at the art gallery in downtown Vancouver ...
taken through the window of the car while driving by -
especially for Steve Ember
Enzo Leprai 19/04/2018 8:05
... restare tranquilli mentre il mondo è alle prese con la pioggia... bella sensazione.Compliments
Dragomir Vukovic 17/04/2018 21:06
great 1 !!!sitagita 15/04/2018 23:07
So this is Vancouver. There is hardly any difference between Canada and Europe - when it rains.Kind regards,
SINA 15/04/2018 7:00
Aus dem Leben gegriffen und doch ein ausdrucksstarkes Stimmungsbild dabeisehr gut fotografisch interpretiert in dieser Kulisse
lolita cecilia 15/04/2018 0:47
Fantástica imagen de un día de lluvia++++SUPERBE...!!!
Un abrazo, Adele.
Angelika El. 14/04/2018 23:44
Sooo einen verregneten Tag hatten wir hier gestern... Die Passanten wirken so, als ob sie es eilig hätten - kein Wunder.... ;-)Wir wurden heute dafür mit einem schönen, sonnigen Tag belohnt! LG! a.
Monique POLETTO 14/04/2018 13:49
Pas facile en conduisant mais le résultat est spectaculaireBien vu Bises
Torsten TBüttner 14/04/2018 8:05
Eine sehr schöne Idee und UmsetzungCarlo.Pollaci 13/04/2018 20:00
Very nice photography.Hugs
Claudio Micheli 13/04/2018 19:51
Bella immagine davvero.Ciao!
19king40 13/04/2018 18:46
Exellente Arbeit.LG Manni
archiek 13/04/2018 18:33
The passing of bodies under umbrellas on a rainy day seen through splattered drops on a window. A poetic image.Regards, Archie
Elvina Benoist-Audiau 13/04/2018 17:58
Excellent capture through the car's windows with the rain drops - The result is very beautiful - Hugs, ElviFrederick Mann 13/04/2018 14:53
very well done driveby ...must have been moving slowly...
Christian Villain 13/04/2018 12:56
Pas facile sous la pluie mais cette photo restitue parfaitement l'atmosphère et l'empressement des " promeneurs " . .Compliments .
Amitiés et bon WE .