Archway to the Light
This was taken in Shrewsbury by the river Severn last week, I just loved the way the ivy came down into the arch I hope you like it to:)
Archway to the Light
This was taken in Shrewsbury by the river Severn last week, I just loved the way the ivy came down into the arch I hope you like it to:)
Tom McAlexander 23/02/2007 20:46
Like a scene from a children's book. Well done.Aloha
.moniKa.t.g. 23/02/2007 16:41
A lovely shot, but the light distorts the ambience and the geometry of the archway... the colours are splendid, though.Monika
Silke C. 23/02/2007 14:14
Very nice perspective. And I love the contrast between the blue foreground (with the green accents) and the rest of the pic.Shrewsbury's a lovely town, btw.
MAURICE CLEGG 23/02/2007 11:59
wonderful, looks like it could be in some foreign handled the light very well although i think the nearest streetlamp is slightly too bright.
regards, maurice.