At the Gates.
..somewhere in the "nowwhere" between Malaysia and Thailand, a fishing boat runned by burmese people under the flag of a thailand company. These guys have nothing, just a job, a sleeping place (with a ceiling height of one meter) some alcohol and some personal belongings, beeing just at the boat for up to 6 weeks...
Sailing Trip Thailand / Malaysia, Koh Tarutao, 2014
Kerstin Marsidis 04/01/2017 12:00
Irgendwie strahlt es trotz der Widrigkeiten und Lebensumstände Lebensfreude aus.Tolle Momentaufnahme!
Gecko Geckolinsky 18/01/2016 12:49
Gefällt mir sehr!Peter Kryzun 14/01/2016 22:20
Great ShotPetwind 11/01/2016 20:52
thx für´s zeigen !Gibt so wenige aussagekräftige Dokumentationsfotos in der fc.
l.g. petwind
La Imagen 11/01/2016 20:04
ohh, das ist ganz fein
Dietma r
Henry Fuchs 11/01/2016 10:20
Interesting story maybe: I was doing the picture from "outside", so I was hanging at the outer wall of the fishing boat, I have held myself with one hand, and with other I tried to make pitctures - it was at the sea, so I was a bit affraid to fall in the sea - not because I can not swim, more because my camera would be damaged then.. it was something like a "cliffhanger" experience..Chaito Bahamonde 11/01/2016 9:55
interesanteRolf Pessel 11/01/2016 8:54
an he has a smileLG Rolf
PS.: Dein Foto zeigt mal wieder wie gut es uns doch geht, selbst wenn wir meinen es geht uns schlecht.
Marguerite L. 11/01/2016 8:21
Top Portrait mit viel AusdruckskraftGrüessliM