"Autumn Leaves"
"Autumn Leaves" is a popular song and jazz standard composed by Joseph Kosma with original lyrics by Jacques Prévert in French, and later by Johnny Mercer in English. An instrumental version by pianist Roger Williams was a #1 best-seller in the USA Billboard charts of 1955.
felipe Martínez Pérez 29/10/2019 19:35
Excelente encuadre otoñal.franz-rupert 17/10/2019 16:03
Man wird in das Bild richtig reingezogenhomwico 16/10/2019 20:57
Eine schöne Allee mit herbstlichen Einschlag.LG homwico
Adele D. Oliver 16/10/2019 18:41
a great perspective and visual depth through the trees -beautiful all these autumnal leaves in contrast with the
dark trunks of the trees - lovely ambience !!!
best regards,