Ballys photo et image | architecture, cityscape, subjects Images fotocommunity
Ballys photo et image de Hector Romero ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
hello hector, you have a lot of beautiful coloured photographs ,it looks beautiful where you live. Thanks for your inspiring comments, we are all artists of the lense ! ,and like you i am shooting on a cheaper camera, happy snapping times
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Elaine Lyness 06/05/2005 14:53
hello hector, you have a lot of beautiful coloured photographs ,it looks beautiful where you live. Thanks for your inspiring comments, we are all artists of the lense ! ,and like you i am shooting on a cheaper camera, happy snapping timesDarinka Mladenovic 23/03/2005 20:09
Nice colours !Elaine Liebenbaum 14/09/2004 17:02
great shot, and crispyit's too hot in las vegas for me.
Frank Piechorowski 09/09/2004 22:02
Nice shot... I've been there before... In fact... I think it's about time I go back... ;)