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Beauty - Decay - Beauty

Beauty - Decay - Beauty

4 629 16

Robert Riley

Free Account, London

Beauty - Decay - Beauty

A Little Story for you all.

I am working at the moment on a massive Urban Regeneration Project in Central London - The Kings Cross Central Project.

I attended a meeting on the site yesterday to discuss the dismantling of the last of Five huge Gas Holders. We dismantled the other four a couple of years ago.

It was a beautiful day so I took my camera along. When Gas Holder No 8 is dismantled, we then have to load up onto lorries all five gas holders and transport them to our storage and restoration facility near Norwich, a round trip of around 220 miles.

This will involve something like 500 trips! The Gas Holders will then be renovated over the next three years and finally transported back and reerected. You can see an artist impression below. This part of the Project will cost around 3 Million Euros.

The Gas Holders cannot be destroyed as they are Listed Buildings and under the protection of English Heritage. It is my job to Estimate and agree the costs with the Developer. Wish me Luck!!! and take a look at the links below.

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