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[ Beyond the Roaring Forties ]

[ Beyond the Roaring Forties ]

3 952 76

Ulf Brömmelhörster

Premium (World), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

[ Beyond the Roaring Forties ]

"So long as the human ear can hark back to the breaking of waves over deep seas;
so long as the human eye can follow the gleam of the Northern Lights over the silent snow fields;
then so long, no doubt, will the lure of the unknown draw restless souls into those great Arctic wastes."

Roald Amundsen, anno 1925

[ The Dark Soul of the Ocean ]
[ The Dark Soul of the Ocean ]
Ulf Brömmelhörster

[ Destination Nowhere ]
[ Destination Nowhere ]
Ulf Brömmelhörster

[ Cruising the White Continent ]
[ Cruising the White Continent ]
Ulf Brömmelhörster

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