Black Headed gull
With this shot of a Black Headed gull in its typical summer coat, I say bye bye for some time, as I’m going on holiday tomorrow.
Hope to see you all safe and sound within a few weeks.
Dutch name : Kokmeeuw
German name : Lachmöwe
Latin name : Chroicocephalus ridibundus (previous Larus ridibundus)
HMphotography 01/03/2017 18:29
Eine fantastische Tieraufnahme. Das Licht läßt das Gefieder so richtig gut zur Geltung kommen!Liebe Grüße
JX 11/06/2015 20:13
Excellente fhoto +++LG Beat
aline64 20/06/2013 11:32
une prise excellente de cette mouette, bravoamicalement
Gilbert13 28/03/2013 10:09
Sorry, Mark, I cannot compete with yours ;-) absolutely stunning with the light coming in and the background more or less dark which makes it even more interesting. I sent my pics to friends in the US and each time I have to look up the word for animals, flowers etc. and the word for this one has nothing to do with the German version (laughing seagull). Maybe I should go through your file since you translate everything, very nice! Have a wonderful Easter weekend even though it will be cold. LG JackGunther Hasler 15/11/2009 15:52
Das waren noch Zeiten... Sommer, Sonne und die Lachmöwen in ihrem schönen Prachtkleid! Schön die Nähe und die Verteilung von Licht und Schatten!Gruß, Gunther
Inez Correia Marques 12/11/2009 18:32
Brilliant light and detailsi love it Mark
bayerlein ute 09/11/2009 21:23
a great recording! compliment glg utes. sabine krause 28/10/2009 14:12
shot of the black-headed gull – i like gulls a lot, and this one's chocolate brown feathers round the eyes are beautiful! (the guy who named them must have been distracted or color-blind ; ))). this will sound ignorant, but i never knew that gulls changed feathers with the seasons at all!! so thanks for providing me with that information! pretty frightening too, that they are in their winter coats already – might mean we'll get an early, cold and long one… greetings, sabine.willy ombret 09/08/2009 15:33
Gisa S. 08/08/2009 1:20
A wonderful picture, with a very special light!I hope you had a nice holiday time....
Charly Roggow 07/08/2009 17:08
Ganz fein in diesem Licht +++LG Charly
Nancy Blach 06/08/2009 16:34
Great macro.European seagulls seem to be more sophisticated.
Christa Regina 03/08/2009 21:35
Eine wunderbare Aufnahme Mark. Freu mich schon auf die Fotos, die Du während Deines Urlaubs gemacht hast.Die zeigst Du uns doch, oder? LIebe Grüsse Christa
Anca Silvia B. 31/07/2009 6:41
Great work.Hugs,Anca
Fons van Swaal 23/07/2009 11:09
Wishing you and your family a great time....;-))ENJOY