Buddha's footprint at Inn Dein monastery
The footprint as a sculptural object has a long history stemming from the first examples made in India. These were made during the pre-Greco-Buddhist phase of Buddhist art at Sanchi, Bharhut, and other places in India, along with the Bo-Tree and the Dharmachakra. Here, the footprint-making tradition became prominent in Burma at Inn Dein.
Dragomir Vukovic 06/10/2020 21:54
grandHerbertKpn 14/08/2020 22:43
Eine herrliche Farbenpracht. Tolle Aufnahme! Lg HerbertHansjörg - www.photodesign-digital.eu 04/08/2020 15:35
Wunderbare Reise gehabt. Viele schöne Bilder.Adele D. Oliver 04/08/2020 4:07
impressive this huge footprint and all the finemosaic sacral art surrounding it .. a top capture
and great info !!
warm regards,
Benita Sittner 03/08/2020 12:52
....Kunstvoll ausgeschmückt und ein ganz schön großer Fussabdruck...ich habe einen im Ananda Tempel gesehen....VLG Benita