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Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Bus Stop Collector 2

In La Paz Bolivia you can find this woman at the bus station. She knows this is where people with money come and go. With her yellow cup that always appears empty is only that way because she is constantly dumping the hand out cash in a special pocket that can hold a days worth of money that fills out her black ruffle like dress. When she waddles away you can hear her jingle. Kind of like the mouse the put the bell around the cats neck. However her approach is flawless. You just dig deep and hand over your spare cash and more. Hold back and you get a mouth full of harsh words in her native language. I can't tell you what they are, but the force of the words are universal. She's an entrepreneur from the streets. Maybe I should call her the Bolivian Rumpelstilskin from brothers Grimm fairytale.

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